Graphene CallGraphene Call

Home > About the Call > GF11 - Prototypes based on graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems

GF11 - Prototypes based on graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems


The Flagship aims to develop various technologies and components up to the level where they can be utilised by industry. These include components for flexible electronics, printed electronics, biochemical sensors, various energy solutions, composites, optoelectronics, and high-frequency electronics, just to name a few. The Flagship will build the technology push for future commercial applications, but it is also actively seeking challenges from present day industry which could be solved by the technologies developed within the project. Applications such as wearable systems, smart textiles, flexible wearable displays, smart interactive windows or electronic paper could directly benefit from graphene and related materials (GRMs), demonstrating the progress of the Flagship Project. Such solutions should be verified by a prototype device, system or sub-system exploiting various components based on GRMs.

This call topic is expected to increase the technology readiness level of the Flagship, therefore a strong industrial involvement is essential. The Consortium must include a minimum of two companies and must be industry-lead. Additional academic partners are allowed, but only as support to the main industrial partners, and only if their competencies cannot be found in any of the existing Flagship academic partners. A set of specific target performance indicators must be indicated for each proposed devices. The proposed devices must show a competitive edge with respect to existing technology (e.g. in terms of transparency, flexibility, cost, etc.)
Complementarity is envisaged with WP8(Flexible Electronics), WP5(Optoelectronics), WP7(Sensors), WP9(Energy Applications), WP10(Nanocomposites).


  • Demonstrate a functional prototype device exploiting technologies and/or components based on GRMs.
  • The technical performance should exceed the present state of the art; both of these should be defined in detail in the proposal.  Other performance figures to be considered are potential product quality, estimated production-costs/cost-reduction and reduced environmental impact during the product life-cycle.
  • Analyse the commercial feasibility of the proposed application/device/system at least in terms of manufacturability, supply-chain, environmental-stability and product life-cycle management.


  • Strengthen the role of the Flagship within the European industry and increase awareness of opportunities given by GRMs.
  • Novel commercial applications for technologies based on GRMs. 
  • Bring the technical challenges presently faced by industry to the core of the Flagship activities

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